Saturday, May 3, 2008

Life is routine these days

First day of the week would be to clean up all the tasks and complete all the unfinished. So, it is more of a clerical job like, checking-in the code in CVS, updating the progress of project to the project manager and attending weekly meeting with the client to update him and take updates from him.

Second day starts with the new tasks like migrating data for a new object, refreshing the database and getting new requirements from both business consultant of our team and analysts of client. Then we plan for the rest of the week.

Third and fourth day goes with troubleshooting all the failed test cases reported by client and the team. These two days are real frustrating to resolve the issues. But by the end of the day when we finish troubleshooting and resolving the issue, we feel real great. These two days are more like research on the web and improving self knowledge w.r.t to project and general.

Fifth day is always dull, coz I don’t like to work and so I take off by surfing the net or bidding on ebay. I surf for the maps and places that I can visit for the weekend. I take a complete idea of buses, trains or ferries that I am supposed to board.

On Saturday, the day just passes off! I finish up with the clothes and then press them for rest of the week. I feel the day is very short on Saturday, coz by the time you complete all the tasks it is already 6pm and then I just go to the riverside to sit for a while, watching birds and reading the nature.

Sunday is always fun, as I execute all the plans that I made for visiting new places. Though I do feel loneliness, but the excitement of discovering new place on our own gives a very little time to think.

It feels good when sis calls me sometimes and shows how much she cares for me. I feel a lot lighter that day after sharing each others experiences. Not to forget the calls from my Btech friend Shiva and from colleagues.

On the whole, the week is moving on a routine. Now I feel bored going to the beaches or theme parks. So instead I am slowly moving towards the malls and streets to see the actual lifestyle of people of Australia.

But as the deadline is approaching, I could feel the heat and pressure of project. I am happy that I have utilized my time enough so I can use my time from now on to concentrate more on finishing the project on time. Though the client is stubborn with the Go-live date of the project, but with only me doing the technical stuff of it, I will have to work hard and fast to complete it on time.

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